TEKTON 3797 7-Inch Wire Stripper/Cutter

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  • Ergonomic single curve handle design for more comfortable grip and better leverage
  • Self-opening, spring-loaded hinge with safety lock
  • Strips solid and stranded wire sizes 10-20 AWG; cuts screw sizes #8-32 and #10-32
  • Shear-type wire cutter
  • Looping holes bend wire ends to fit around screw terminals

  • The versatile TEKTON 7-Inch Wire Stripper/Cutter is ideal for a wide range of electrical projects. From AC work like remodeling, small appliance repair, and new circuits to DC applications like electronics, automotive electrical systems, and hobbies, this tool is a must-have. It strips solid and stranded wire sizes 10-20 AWG and cuts screw sizes #8-32 and #10-32. The serrated pliers jaw grips, pulls and twists wire. Looping holes bend wire ends to fit around screw terminals. The ergonomic handles are designed around a two-part system. Single curve handles fit your hand, offering cushioned comfort and more gripping power, while the spring-assisted, self-opening hinge works with your hand, preventing tired muscles. A safety lock keeps handles closed when stored. High-contrast markings are permanently laser-etched and are easy to read, even in poorly lit work areas.
    Brand: TEKTON, Model: 3797

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