TEKTON 30703 Dead Blow Hammer, 16-Ounce

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  • Steel shot inside head eliminates rebound, conserving energy of each blow
  • High-impact poly jacket surrounds steel handle and head, preventing marring of surfaces
  • Diamond textured handle for non-slip grip
  • Specifications: Weight: 16 oz. (1 lb.); Handle Length: 10 in
  • Made with lead-free and 3P phthalate-free materials (compliant with California's Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act)

  • Steel shot inside the head of this specially designed 16 oz. dead blow hammer eliminates post-strike rebound common with steel and other solid-head hammers. Controlling this rebound conserves the energy of each blow, redirecting it completely into the work piece. This means fewer blows are needed, reducing the chances of deforming the work piece. At the same time, work surfaces are protected by the high-impact poly jacket that completely encases the head and handle. This jacket gives a positive strike while preventing marring of softer metals like aluminum. The handle is finished with a comfortable diamond tread pattern for a non-slip grip.


  • Head Size: 16 oz.
  • Head Type: Dead Blow
  • Face Type: Smooth
  • Face Size: 1-1/2 in.
  • Length: 12 in.
  • Handle Type: Poly Jacket
  • Handle Length: 10 in.

  • Brand: TEKTON, Model: 30703, Size: 16 ounce

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