Surebonder PRO8000A Glue Gun, 180-watt

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  • 180 Watts, 120 Volts
  • Uses Standard 1/2", 7/16", .43" & .45" Diameter and 4", 10" & 15" Length Glue Stick
  • Operating Temperature: 380DegreeF
  • Heat-resistant nozzle cover, extended metal stand and stroke adjustment screw
  • 2 Minute Quick Heat Up

  • This Surebonder Industrial High Temperature Glue Gun with its unique design includes dual 180 watt heaters allowing a quick warm up time of only 2 minutes. You'll enjoy the ergonomic designed trigger which allows less effort by the user while operating the gun. The stroke adjustment screw dispenses equal amounts of glue on every trigger pull and the higher wattage a gun has the more output of glue per minute. The gun also features a protective heat resistant nozzle cover, an integrated gun balancer mount hole, a lighted on/off switch and an extended metal stand for added stability. Uses Standard 1/2", 7/16", .43" & .45" Diameter, 4", 10" & 15" length, high or dual temperature Glue Stick.
    Brand: Surebonder, Model: PRO8000A, Size: 7/16"

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