Sunex 1410 10-Ton, High Height, Pin Type, Jack Stands, Pair

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Brand Sunex
Model 1410

  • Item may ship in more than one box and may arrive separately
  • Four leg steel base
  • Made of heavy schedule pipe for added strength and stability
  • Quick and easy height adjustment
  • Large saddle with locating lugs support
  • V shaped saddle to cradle axles or other under truck components
  • Max Height 46.5-Inch

  • Used in pairs for supporting trucks, trailers, and equipment in fleet garages, agricultural, industrial and construction environments. Four leg steel base and support tube made of heavy schedule pipe for added strength and stability. Multiple hole locations in the support tube make pin facilitated height adjustment quick and easy. Height adjustment pin is attached to stand to prevent loss. Large saddle with locating lugs support and position vehicle frame.

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