StoneTech Heavy Duty Sealer for Natural Stone, 1-Quart (.946L)

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  • Water-Based Premium Stone Sealer
  • Provides heavy duty stonecare, natural look protection for all natural stone, masonry and grout.
  • With advanced, water-based fluorochemicals to protect against the toughest oil & water-based stains.
  • 1 Quart covers about 15-100 sq ft

  • StoneTech Heavy Duty Sealer protects against most stains on a variety of stones, all while preserving the natural look of the stone. Always test in a small inconspicuous area with a 24-hour cure time to determine ease of application and desired results. Allow new grout installations to cure for a minimum of 72 hours prior to application. Make sure surface is clean and free of waxes and coatings. Sealer may be applied to damp surfaces one hour after standing water has been removed. Surface temperature should be between 50 °F and 80 °F (10 °C and 26.7 °C). Ensure that the area is well-ventilated during application and until the surface is dry. Keep children and pets out of the area until treated surface is dry. Recommended surfaces are natural stone such as marble, granite, limestone, travertine, sandstone, flagstone, saltillo, slate and bluestone. Up to 900 sq. ft. of coverage per gallon for a single coat application. Expected wear of up to 5 years on interior surfaces and up to 3 years on exterior surfaces. Interior and exterior uses are on countertops, backsplashes, floors, and walls. Advantages are: heavy duty protection against most stains, advanced penetrating microbond protection, preserves natural look of stone, and a water-based formula. Factory sealed containers of this product are guaranteed to be of first quality for two (2) years if stored at temperatures >50°F (10°C) and <90°f (32°c). includes 1 1-quart (.946l) stonetech heavy duty sealer. (32°c).="" includes="" 1="" 1-quart="" (.946l)="" stonetech="" heavy="" duty="">90°f (32°c). includes 1 1-quart (.946l) stonetech heavy duty sealer.>
    Brand: StoneTech, Model: D14924296, Size: Quart

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