STEELMAN 50060 1/2-Inch Drive x 19mm 90 ft-lb Torque Stick, Gold

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  • 8-5/8-INCHES LONG - Torque stick is 8-5/8-inches long to allow easy clearance and prevent damage to wheels by a too close impact wrench
  • RESILIENT STEEL - Made of durable and resilient chrome molybdenum steel
  • INTEGRATED SOCKET - Fitting any 1/2-inch drive impact wrench this stick has an integrated 19mm lug nut socket
  • PREVENT OVER-TIGHTENING - Prevent over-tightening that can lead to premature failure of wheels, wheel studs, and rotors
  • FLEXES TO LIMIT TORQUE - When 90 ft-lb of torque is reached the extension will flex and absorb additional impacts instead of continuing to tighten
  • POWDER COATED - Powder coated gold for additional corrosion resistance and to easily identify it among other extensions and tools
  • CALIBRATION FREE - With a pre-determined maximum allowed torque and no moving parts it is maintenance and recalibration free

  • Protect your wheels, wheel studs, and brake rotors with this STEELMAN torque stick. The STEELMAN 50060 1/2-Inch Drive x 19mm 90 ft-lb Torque Stick is designed to prevent damage to wheels, studs, and brake rotors by reducing the risk of over-tightening lug nuts which can result in sheared stud bolts, rounded lug nuts, and warped rotors. This stick measures 8-5/8-inches long and has a 19mm socket on the end. It will, when used with an electric or pneumatic impact wrench, limit the effective output of the wrench to 90 ft-lb (122 Newton-meters) of torque and anything above that will cause the extension to flex and absorb the extra impact. This torque stick is made of resilient chrome molybdenum (Chromoly) steel that has a gold powder coat to make it easy to pick out among other tools or in a crowded toolbox. STEELMAN is an industry leader in automotive and industrial specialty tools and equipment, manufacturing the highest quality, unique, and innovative tools and products, designed to meet the specific needs of mechanics, contractors, and other working professionals.
    Brand: Steelman, Model: 50060, Color: Gold

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