Starrett 819 Hinge-Locating Automatic Center Punch With Adjustable Stroke, 5" Length, 5/8" Diameter

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  • Eliminates the risk of drilling off center, causing screws to pull hinges or hardware off center
  • Punch can be adjusted for striking light or heavy impressions by turning the knurled cap
  • Point is easily removed for replacement or resharpening

  • Simply engage the beveled edge of the sleeve with the countersunk hole in the hinge and press down on the handle until the built-in mechanism strikes a blow for truly concentric starting holes every time. To draw hinges, etc., sideways, tilt the punch slightly in the opposite direction. This automatic centering punch combines with lightweight aluminum punch with an exclusive self centering locating sleeve that automatically centers starter holes for screws.
    Brand: Starrett, Model: 819

    Custom Tab 01

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