Specialty Diamond DBS37L Diamond Coated 37.7 Inch Replacement for Inland DB-100 Diamond Band Saw

Specialty Diamond
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  • 37.7" diamond band saw blade
  • Blade Length: 37.7" (96cm)
  • Blade Depth: .130"
  • Blade Thickness: .022"
  • Approximate Kerf: .030"

  • Specialty Diamond band saw blades are designed for use on popular diamond band saws to perform precise cutting of tile, glass, stained glass, stone and other hard materials. Specialty Diamond diamond band saw blades are recommended when cutting precious and semi precious material including garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, emerald and tanzanite. Specialty Diamond band saw blades are made by using 303 stainless steel and lathed uni body design to resist fatigue cracks caused by tension, heat, pressure, RPM and vibration. Advanced metallurgical bonding procedures allow for a superior embed layer of diamond substrate for longer wear life and finish consistency resulting in uniformed cutting profile and long life. Highly uniformed diamond bedding prevents chipping when working delicate materials. The Specialty Diamond DBS37L is a replacement diamond band saw blade sized specifically for Inland DB-100 diamond band saw. Properly replacing your diamond band saw blade with the correct replacement blade will prevent premature damage caused by improper tension on you band saws drive wheels. Installing improper replacement blades can result in bearing failure and could create a dangerous operating environment and equipment failure.
    Brand: Specialty Diamond, Model: DB-100

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