Smith's PP1 Pocket Pal Multifunction Sharpener, Grey

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Brand Smith's
Model PP1
Color Grey
Size 3.5" x 1" x 0" (Length x Width x Height

  • Tapered Round Diamond Coated Rod for Sharpening Serrated and Standard Edges
  • Carbide Blades (Coarse CARBIDE Slot) Quickly Set Your Edge; Ceramic Stones (Fine CERAMIC slot) Give You a Razor Sharp Edge
  • Reversible and Replaceable Carbide and Ceramic Stones for Extended Sharpening
  • Lanyard hole for Carrying
  • Preset Sharpening Angles provide Guaranteed Results

  • Smith's “Pocket Pal” Multi-Functional Knife Sharpener features pre-set crossed carbides and ceramic stones, which provide the “Perfect Edge” every time. Carbides provide quick edge setting, and the specially shaped ceramic stones are designed to give you a razor sharp edge on either standard or serrated edges. A fold out, tapered round, diamond coated rod is designed for sharpening serrations and small gut hooks.  Unit is compact, lightweight, durable, and comes with a lanyard hole. Carbide Blades (COARSE) - Set the edge. The carbide blades provide quick edge setting capability for dull or damaged knives. These blades are designed for use on straight edges only, and are reversible and replaceable. Ceramic Stones (FINE) - Finish the edge. Ceramic stones provide a smooth, polished edge for already sharp knives and can be used on serrated or standard blades and are reversible and replaceable. Abrasives: Tapered Diamond Rod: MEDIUM (400 Grit) /Carbide Pull-Through slot: COARSE/ Ceramic Pull-Through slot: FINE (800 Grit)

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