Smith's 50448 6-Inch Diamond Tri-Hone Sharpener

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  • Sharpens everything from very dull or damaged blade to sharp blades in need of quick touchup
  • Natural Arkansas and diamond stones; Interrupted surface on diamond stones speeds sharpening
  • Larger stones allow for use with small or large knives; Works on a variety of knives and tools
  • Easy to rotate and identify stones; Non-skid, plastic base; Trough in base to catch excess lubricant
  • Premium honing solution, sharpening instructions and angle guide included

  • Smith's 50448 6" Diamond Tri-Hone is perfect for sharpening pocket knives, hunting and fishing knives, kitchen knives and cutting tools of all sizes, large and small. It features two interrupted surface diamond sharpening stones with a unique Micro-Tool Sharpening Pad and a Natural Arkansas stone for finishing and polishing the cutting edge. The 6" x 1-5/8" color-coded and labeled stones include a coarse diamond stone (325 grit), a fine diamond stone (750 grit) and a Natural Arkansas stone. All three stones are mounted on a triangular shaped base with handles on the end for easy stone rotation and easy to identify stone labels. The stones are held in place by a sturdy, non-skid stand with a trough in the bottom to catch any excess honing solution. A sharpening angle guide and one ounce bottle of premium honing solution are also included.
    Brand: Smith's, Model: 50448

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