SE Tools 824S Spark Plug Boot Puller Pliers with Straight Jaw

SE Tools
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  • Vinyl coating is Dielectric Withstand quality
  • Overall Length: 9 3/4-Inch
  • Vinyl-coated jaws and handles assure gripping ability
  • Use only on automotive-type ignition systems

  • The SE Tools 824S Spark Plug Boot Puller Pliers are equipped with a straight jaw that can access spark plug boots where the offset jaws cannot perform. These pliers protect against plug boot wire and boot separation. The vinyl-coated jaws and handles assure gripping ability and are made to insure Dielectric Withstand quality. These pliers are only to be used on automotive-type ignition systems. The Shaw Family has an 80-year tradition of manufacturing quality specialty mechanics' hand tools in Michigan. You will see from the online catalog that they manufacture a variety of non-powered mechanics' hand tools. They offer tools that repair, inspect and reach and retrieve. They manufacture hand tools for the automotive, security and aerospace industries. They have been operating as a private-brand manufacturer for many customers in Europe, Canada and the USA. They also sell their tools with the "Made in USA" brand to their other customers. Customizing their tools to meet your specific needs is a capability we are proud to promote. They are interested in broadening their business base and making new friends in many new countries.
    Brand: SE Tools, Model: 824S

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