Powerful 3/4 HP motor generates up to 3,600 RPM for the most demanding installation jobs
7 in. continuous rim diamond blade positioned for cutting depths up to 1-1/4 in.
Water recirculation system and reservoir designed to keep work area dry
Durable steel table and frame with rubber foot pads for stability
Rip and angle cutting guides make accurate and repeat cuts easy
The QEP 7 in. Wet Tile Saw is the only wet tile saw in its class to offer a rear extension to support large format tile where you need it after the cut is performed. Once the tile is cut, the rear table extension keeps the cut tile safe and secure. The powerful 3/4 peak HP motor will cut through unlimited sizes of the hardest tile including ceramic, porcelain, slate, marble and stone. Convenient flip up table for 22.5Degree and 45Degree miter cuts, adjustable rip guide and angle guide for a variety of cuts. Water spray containment baffle to help keep the surrounding area drier during cutting. Brand: QEP, Model: 22750Q
Custom Tab 01
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