POWERTEC 20304 Push/Pull Quick-Release Toggle Clamp, 300 lbs Capacity, 302F

SKU: EZFB004K60H08
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  • A rock-solid grip to install on jigs, tool fixtures, or movable bases
  • Cold-rolled carbon Steel with Zinc plated coating for corrosion resistance
  • Ideal when work piece must be held by horizontal clamping action
  • 300 lb holding capacity; Complete with adjustable 5/16 -18 bolt
  • Unique push/pull action allows you to hold workpiece in a vertical position

  • POWERTEC innovative and adjustable Push/Pull Quick-Release Toggle Clamp is a must-have addition to your jig assembly. Ideal when work piece must be held by horizontal clamping action. With its sturdy steel construction, and efficient, high-performing push/pull clamping action, this power house of a clamp delivers a hold that is versatile in application and resists slippage. Featuring the unique ability to securely grip your workpiece in a vertical position, this handy tool maximizes work-surface clearance, leaving you free to create master craftsmanship - safely and with ease. Vinyl colored grip for easy identification and comfort. Zinc-plated coating for corrosion resistance. Streamline your projects with this ingenious device. Simple to install, adjust and use. Make it perfect with POWERTEC - perfectly easy, perfectly crafted. Clamp base: 3-1/2” x 2-3/16”. Mounting holes: 3/16” spaced 1-3/8” x 1- 1/8” apart. Push rod range (without clamp bolt) from end of base to end of push rod: 11/16” - 2”. Plunger bolt thread size: 5/16-18 by 1-1/2” long. Clamp height, including handle, when clamped: 3-1/4”. Total length when clamped (without clamp bolt): 5-9/16”.
    Brand: POWERTEC, Model: 20304

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