Plier Filter Oil 2 - 4 1/4

Vim Products
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  • PLIER FILTER OIL 2 - 4 1/4
  • Hand Tools
  • Pliers
  • Professional

  • VIMV243 Features: -Pliers specially designed for removal of screw-on filters ranging in sizes from 2-3/4'' to 3-5/8'' O.D.. -The pliers allow easy access to filters and provide a secure grip with powerful leverage to break loose the most stubborn filters. -The Model V241 is specially designed for use on late model 4 and 6 cylinder GM products, 4 cylinder Ford, and many foreign 4-cylinder engines. -Its shorter size allows it to work in closer quarters.. Multi-Use: -Yes. Quantity: -Single. Dimensions: Overall Length - Top to Bottom: -14.5 Inches. Overall Width - Side to Side: -3.8 Inches. Overall Thickness: -0.9 Inches. Overall Product Weight: -0.9 Pounds.
    Brand: Vim Products

    Custom Tab 01

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