Neiko 03715B 1/2" Torque Multiplier Power Wrench, Cr-Mo / Cr-Va Steel | 1100 Foot-Pound

Neiko Pro
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  • Provides added torque to cleanly bust rusted or frozen fasteners over the rated force that standard wrenches can produce
  • Chromium Molybdenum head and Chrome Vanadium bar are designed for durability, long tool life, and the shock of extremely high torque
  • Drive input rated at 365 foot-pound maximum and drive output of 1100 foot-pound; for field, automotive, construction, industrial, plumbing
  • 13-3/4" torque enhancer includes a small but powerful 2.9" head that slips into tight and hard to reach spaces
  • Set includes a hard plastic case for carrying and storage

  • The NEIKO 03715B is used to tighten or remove nuts and bolts over the rated force a standard wrench can produce, it utilizes a 3.3:1 ratio planetary gear set to convert low torque (max. 365 ft.-lbs.) to high torque (max. 1,100 ft.-lbs.) . Examples include lug nuts, suspension fasteners, and any other frozen but or bolt applications. Can also be used to accurately torque fasteners above the highest output of a torque wrench. Specifications: •Drive Input: 1/2-Inch, 365 foot-pound Maximum •Drive Output: 3/4-Inch, 1100 foot-pound Maximum •Head Width: 2.9 Inch, 3.3:1 Ratio •Reaction Bar: 13-3/4 Inch Note: frictional gear loss = 6 %
    Brand: Neiko Pro, Model: 03715B

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