Mitutoyo 905338, Digimatic SPC Connecting Cable, 40", Straight Type

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  • Digimatic output cable outputs data from Digimatic gauges with a data output feature (not included) to a Digimatic mini-processor, display unit, multiplexer, or similar device
  • Straight type
  • Compatible with Digimatic instruments with an output feature, including all Digimatic calipers without an Absolute encoder and select height and depth gauges, scale units, and indicators
  • 40" length

  • The Mitutoyo 905338 Digimatic SPC connecting cable outputs data from Digimatic gauges that have data output capability to a Digimatic mini-processor, display unit, multiplexer, or similar device. The cable is a straight type cable and is compatible with Digimatic instruments with an output feature, including all Digimatic calipers without an Absolute encoder, 570-2XX, 192-6XX, and 192-167X series height gauges; 547-21X, 547-25X, and 571-2XX series depth gauges; 572-XXX series scale units; and 575-XXX, 543-6XX, 543-2XX, and 543-4XX series indicators. The cable is 40" long.

    Compatible Mitutoyo Devices
    Calipers All Digimatic calipers without an Absolute encoder
    Height gauges 570-2XX, 192-6XX, and 192-67X series
    Depth gauges 547-21X, 547-25X, and 571-2XX series
    Scale unit 572-XXX
    Indicators 575-XXX, 543-6XX, 543-2XX, and 543-4XX series

    Calipers measure the distance between two opposing sides of an object. They make inside, outside, depth, or step measurements, according to their type. Calipers are commonly used in architecture, metalworking, mechanical engineering, and machining. The simplest calipers have two legs to mark the two points and require a ruler to take the measurement. More complex calipers use two sets of jaws instead of legs and have up to two graduated scales. Vernier, dial, and digital calipers give direct and accurate readings and are functionally identical, having a calibrated scale with a fixed jaw, and another jaw with a movable pointer that slides along the scale. The vernier caliper has a scale sliding parallel to the main scale for an additional, fractional reading to improve measurement precision. The dial caliper has a circular dial with a pointer on a toothed gear rack replacing the second vernier scale. As with the vernier, this second measurement is added to the reading from the main scale to obtain the result. The digital caliper takes a differential by zeroing the display at any point along the slide, with an LCD that displays a single value in English and/or metric units.

    Mitutoyo manufactures precision measuring tools, metrology equipment, and related systems. The company, founded in Tokyo in 1934, formed Mitutoyo America Corporation in 1963 with headquarters in Aurora, IL.

    Brand: Mitutoyo, Model: 905338

    Custom Tab 01

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