Mitutoyo 293-340 Digimatic Outside Micrometer, 0-1" Range, 0.00005"/0.001mm Resolution, IP65, No Output, with Ratchet

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  • Digital, single-value readout LCD with 0 to 1"/0 to 25.4 mm measuring range displays in inch and metric units for readability
  • 0.00005"/0.001 mm resolution and 0.00005" accuracy
  • Ratchet stop applies consistent force for repeatability between users
  • Certified IP65 for resistance to penetration by dust and liquid up to the force of a low-pressure water jet
  • Carbide facing on spindle and anvil provides wear resistance

  • The Mitutoyo 293 series Coolant Proof LCD micrometer with a 0 to 1"/0 to 25.4 mm measuring range has a digital single-value LCD readout that displays in inch and metric units with a 0.00005" (0.001 mm) resolution, a 0.00005" accuracy, and a ratchet stop thimble. The ratchet-stop thimble provides an audible sound and stops turning when the spindle comes into contact with the workpiece, providing constant force for consistent measurements between operators.

    The micrometer's electronic microprocessor can hold measurements at any position, convert to absolute value, set a temporary zero position, and return to a true zero reading. The electronics housing is Ingress Protection certified IP65, which means that components are resistant to penetration by dust and debris, and resistant to penetration by liquids and coolant up to the force of a low-pressure (to 30 kilonewtons/meter-squared) water jet. The spindle and anvil have flat measuring faces that are carbide-tipped for wear resistance. A spindle lock helps provide secure locking of the measurement position. The micrometer includes, and is powered by, a single SR44 silver oxide battery, and comes with a fitted case for storage.

    Micrometers are precision measuring instruments that use a calibrated screw to measure small distances. These measurements are translated into large rotations of the screw that are then able to be read from a scale or a dial. Micrometers are typically used in manufacturing, machining, and mechanical engineering. There are three types of micrometer: outside, inside, and depth. Outside micrometers may also be called micrometer calipers, and are used to measure the length, width, or outside diameter of an object. Inside micrometers are typically used to measure interior diameter, as in a hole. Depth micrometers measure the height, or depth, of any shape that has a step, groove, or slot.

    Mitutoyo manufactures precision measuring tools, metrology equipment, and related systems. The company, founded in Tokyo in 1934, formed Mitutoyo America Corporation in 1963 with headquarters in Aurora, IL.

    What's in the Box
  • Mitutoyo 293-340 outside micrometer
  • SR44 battery
  • Fitted case

  • Brand: Mitutoyo, Model: 293-340, Size: Under 3 Inches

    Custom Tab 01

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