Lang Tools 1434 Internal/External Quick Switch Retaining Ring Pliers and Tip Kit

Lang Tools
Out Of Stock


  • A flip of the tab and the pliers change between internal and external applications
  • Comfort grip made of low-temp, high-impact material providing extra durability
  • Includes 5 pairs of alloy steel, color-coded, interchangeable tips and hex key all stored in a handy pouch
  • Internal : 3/8" thru 2"/External: 1/4" thru 2"

  • Lang Tools 1434 internal and external replaceable tip retaining ring pliers is one of the most user friendly and efficient retaining ring pliers on the market. These pliers allow for easy convertibility to and from internal and external use with the quick flip of a switch. The spring return handles allow for greater tool control and ease of use. Each pliers contain 5 pairs of alloy steel color coded tips and a hex wrench within a handy tip kit pouch. These patented pliers replace ten or more of any single competitor's limited-use pliers.
    Brand: Lang Tools, Model: 1434

    Custom Tab 01

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