Kraft Tool Co. GG244 Kraft Tool18-Inch Squeegee Trowel

Kraft Tool
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  • Smooth coatings for concrete restoration, self-leveling material, drywall material and more
  • Flexible blade is easy to control while providing optimum coverage
  • Comfortable hand grip has a place for threaded broom handle to extend reach
  • Blade protector extends the life of the blade
  • Made in the USA

  • A contractor's favorite. Use this squeegee trowel to smooth a variety of coatings in concrete restoration, decorative concrete, drywall and general construction. The 18-inch flexible blade is easy to control and provides the desired coverage for materials. The patented ProForm soft grip handle (U.S. Patent #D614,471S) is comfortable to grasp. Extend the tools reach for ceilings, floors, or tall walls by connecting a threaded broom handle to the end. The handle features a hang hole for convenient storage. Product includes a blade protector to extend the life of the tool. Proudly made in the USA. Kraft Tool Co. has been an American manufacturer of quality hand tools for the concrete, masonry, asphalt, plaster, drywall, tile, floor covering, and leveling trades for over 30 years.
    Brand: Kraft Tool, Model: GG244, Color: Orange & Black

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