Knipex Tools 85 51 250AFSBA 10" Hose Clamp Pliers with Locking Device

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  • Rotating jaw inserts for reliably gripping hose Clamps in all positions and a locking Device for Simple and secure work on Clamps under tension without Effort
  • Push button feature, adjust pliers once and stays set allowing user to access 19 adjustment positions for optimum adaption to different sizes of workpieces
  • Easy access to the workpiece due to the Slim size of the head and joint area with a Working capacity of 2-3/4"
  • German chrome vanadium electric steel, forged, Oil hardened
  • Slim head design; narrow head fits into confined spaces

  • Removing hose clamps has never been easier. Knipex Tools has added a new locking version to their hose clamp pliers line. Both tools offer rotatable tips on the pliers making them maneuverable from different angles and easier to use in confined areas. The new locking version keeps the clamp open and stays locked in position without the need to grip and hold onto the pliers until the user is ready to move the clamp. With carded packaging.
    Brand: KNIPEX Tools, Model: 85 51 250AFSBA

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