Knipex Tools 85 51 250 C, 10" Hose Clamp Pliers for Click Clamps

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  • Rotating jaw inserts for reliably gripping click Clamps in all positions
  • Push button feature, adjust pliers once and stays set allowing user to access 25 adjustment positions for optimum adaption to different sizes of workpieces
  • Easy access to the workpiece due to the Slim size of the head and joint area with a Working capacity of 2-3/4"
  • Serrated jaws behind the tips to loosen up stuck on or corroded hoses
  • German chrome vanadium electric steel, forged, Oil hardened

  • Opening and closing click clamps does not require a special skill; it requires a special tool. Knipex has designed a specialized pliers to perform these specific functions—quickly and effectively. No need to replace the OEM clamp with a screw clamp and hold your breath until the next leak. These pliers will not harm the clamps they're compressing, allowing them to be reused over and over again.
    Brand: KNIPEX Tools, Model: 85 51 250 C, Size: 10-Inch

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