KNIPEX 95 62 190 SBA Comfort Grip Wire Rope Cutters

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  • With two crimping dies for end caps on Bowden cable sheaths and end ferrules for wire rope
  • With opening spring and locking lever
  • High leverage for reduced effort
  • Cutting-edge hardness approx. 64 HRC
  • Cutting capacities: piano wire 3/32-inch, copper cable multi-strand 9/32-inch, medium hard and iron wire 5/32-inch, wire rope 1/5-inch.

  • Knipex 95 62 190 SBA Wire Rope Cutter features induction hardened blades overlap to provide a sheer cut. The smooth cutting capability is due to the unique shape of the cutting edges. The tool's induction hardened blades not only surround the workpiece but also overlap to provide a sheer cut, preventing wire rope from flattening, fanning, and splaying. The high leverage design requires little hand force and provides a mechanical advantage to achieve an easier cut. The plastic-coated non-slip handles provide a secure grip in all applications. An internal opening spring helps reduce hand fatigue, while a handle lock keeps the handle in the closed position keeps the tool in the closed position during transport. This design also features two crimping dies for end caps and end ferrules and comfort grip handles.
    Brand: KNIPEX Tools, Model: 95 62 190 SBA

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