Ingersoll Rand 302B Composite Grip Air Angle Die Grinder

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  • For automotive and light maintenance applications
  • Durable and long lasting, with an all ball bearing construction and precision-machined steel gears
  • Self-locking throttle lever prevents accidental starting of motor
  • Precision-machined steel gears
  • Built-in lubricating wick increases angle gear life
  • Powerful motor delivers 0.33 HP (0.25 k-Watt) and 25,000 rpm free speed
  • Durable ball-bearing construction improves balance, reduces vibration, and ensures a longer life
  • Lightweight, durable, ergonomic composite housing protects tool from cold air and offers greater operator comfort
  • Integral safety-lock throttle lever prevent accidental start up
  • Rear exhaust directs air away from the operator

  • For ultimate performance, the 302B die grinder is the perfect choice. This powerful angle die grinder features a composite grip for superior ergonomics and comfort, and can be used in various applications including porting, weld breaking, de-burring, polishing and grinding.
    Brand: Ingersoll-Rand, Model: 302B, Size: 1

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