Festool 500483 BHC Drilling Dust Nozzle

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  • Work cleanly using the Festool CT Vac and help remove harmful dust from the air
  • Integrated metric scale on the side for rough measurements or calculating drill depth
  • Compatible with the 27 mm standard hose supplied with CT Dust Extractors

  • Drilling into concrete can create dust that not only falls on the ground but also gets in the air. Coupled with a CT Dust Extractor, the nozzle is held to the surface while helping to eliminate dust as it happens. Use in Conjunction with the BHC 18 or PDC 18 drills. Dual-chamber design utilizes suction for a CT Dust Extractor to provide suction to the surface/wall as well as extraction. Steel bushing accommodates drill bits up to 12mm diameter. Foam rubber padding protects while adhering to uneven surfaces. Hose receiver swivels to allow for repositioning of the hose as needed.
    Brand: Festool, Model: 500483

    Custom Tab 01

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