Festool 498205 XL 12/14mm Domino Tenon Assortment

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Brand Festool
Model 498205
Color GRAY

  • T-Loc Systainer with three storage compartments to sort and keep Domino tenons together and for easy access to them when working
  • Includes Domino XL cutter for D14 size tenons
  • Includes assortment of 12mm and 14mm Domino XL tenons
  • Includes new T-Loc Systainer

  • Festool Beech Tenons are made from all-natural, solid hardwood for strength and stability. The Beech Tenon serves as a true floating tenon in mortise and tenon applications such as furniture, cabinetmaking, casing and frame work. The flat, elongated design will not rotate, ensuring perfect alignment for both edge and face gluing. Suitable for both plywood and solid wood applications, the dense beech tenon will not expand or telegraph through material, leaving you with clean, flat, and consistent surfaces. The Domino Tenon is embossed with glue pockets, and is approximately 2mm shorter than nominal length, allowing space in the mortise for glue. Tenons come in removable plastic bins. SYS 2 Systainer. Ready for your biggest, most demanding projects. Includes assorted Domino tenons: 12x26x100 (41X), 12x26x140 (40X), 14x28x100 (16X), 14x28x140 (32X), plus 1 Domino XL Cutter, size 14 mm.

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