Festool 494680 Parallel Edge Guide For OF 2200

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  • Rout up against, or perfectly parallel to the material edge, delivering precise dados, flutes, grooves, ploughs, rabbets and profiles
  • Fine-adjustment control allows you to dial in the distance from the edge for ultra-precise routing
  • Constructed from durable cast aluminum, and includes fiber-reinforced plastic thumbscrews for easy adjustment and a long service life
  • Attaches quickly and easily using integrated thumbscrews and two steel rods included in the router's scope of delivery
  • Dust extraction hood enables ultra-efficient dust extraction, saving valuable cleanup time

  • Item# 494680 Festool Edge Guide, OF2200 When used with the Festool OF 2200 Router, the Edge Guide allows you to rout up against, or perfectly parallel to the material edge, delivering precise dados, flutes, grooves, ploughs, rabbets and profiles. Fine-adjustment control allows you to dial in the distance from the edge in increments of 1/10mm for ultra-precise routing. The Edge Guide is constructed from durable cast aluminum, and includes fiber-reinforced plastic thumbscrews for easy adjustment and a long service life. Attaches quickly and easily using int
    Brand: Festool, Model: 494680

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