Drill Doctor 350X Drill Bit Sharpener, Engineered for Versatility in handling popular wood & metal bits, Set Point Angle of 118°, Sharpens 3/32 to 1/2 standard twist bits

Drill Doctor
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  • SHARPENS STANDARD DRILL BITS - from 3/32" to 1/2" standard twist bits. Ideal for shops that use the most common bit styles & is compatible for use with wood and light metals
  • PROFESSIONAL DESIGN & CONSTRUCTED FOR DURABILITY - industrial-strength diamond sharpening wheel that won't change shape over time, & a cool design so bits don't heat up and lose their tempering as you sharpen them
  • TWO EASY STEPS -eliminates the need for alignment port & simplifies the sharpening process, making the 350X a perfect choice for home workshops. Simply secure the bit & turn the chuck an even number of half turns to achieve a perfect 118° angle. V-block jaws hold the bit precisely in place & ensure that you don't have to worry about jaw twisting, even when working with small bits
  • 3-YEAR WARRANTY - protects every Drill Doctor bit sharpener against defects due to workmanship or design
  • MANUFACTURED IN OREGON - we design, engineer, & assemble our sharpening machines all under one roof in the USA. You work hard for your money, & your tools are an investment. We are dedicated to creating quality tools with quality components & backing them with the best one-on-one customer support you'll ever get

  • Constructed as a value-priced drill bit sharpener the Drill Doctor 350X Drill Bit Sharpener is ideal for shops that use the most common bit styles and is compatible for use with wood and light metals. The new easy-to-use design features a front-loading chuck with simplified alignment and sharpening procedures. Easily sharpen 3/32" to 1/2" standard twist bits with 118 degrees or sharpen high-speed steel, masonry, carbide and tin coated bits. Sharpener uses replaceable diamond sharpening wheel.
    Brand: Drill Doctor, Model: DD350X, Color: Multi, Size: Pack of 1

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