diamond hand polishing pads for concrete polishing - Pads Set by Stadea

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  • Diamond hand pads concrete set, 1 piece pads X Grit (50, 100, 200, 400, 800). Professional grade diamond hand polishing pads for Concrete polishing by STADEA (Series STD A)
  • 1.2 MM thick Dot concrete hand polishing pads with semi flexible foam holder, Over all Size 4-3/8" (L) X 2-1/8" (W) X 1-1/2" (H)
  • Sharp, aggressive and durable hand pad, made with high quality diamond powder
  • Perfect for scratch removal, acid etch stains repair restoration, spot removal manual concrete polishing
  • Works good for Marble, Glass, Granite, Terrazzo, Travertine, artificial stone, Granite Marble Tile, and natual stone polishing etc as well

  • Diamond hand polishing pads for concrete are used for polishing, restoring/cleaning areas hard to reach by polishing tools like wet grinder polisher. A useful handy tool to polish corners, contoured surface like sink, join of two bullnose surface for Concrete polishing, Granite polishing, Marble polishing, glass polishing and their restoration etc. It can be used for floor polishing, counter top polishing, stone sculpture polishing etc. It could be useful and cost saver for small polishing project. Polishing using concrete hand polishing pads could be time consuming over polishing using grinders. STADEA (Series Standard A) diamond hand pads concrete set for polishing Concrete includes 5 hand polishing pads from starting grit 50 to grit 800. How to Polish Concrete Marble Glass Stone by hand: 1) Wear glasses gloves apron 2) Secure stone firmly 3) Spray film of water and start polish with grit 50 in clock wise motion. Squeeze water and look at 30-45 degree angle on the surface. Verify the entire polished surface has same level of smoothness before moving to next grit. If not, continue polishing with same grit. Generally above grit 400 surface is scratch free 4) Repeat step 3, for each higher grit one by one starting grit 50 till 3000. Don't skip any grit in between. Most of the stone will show shine starting grit 800. If one still sees scratches beyond grit 800 and 1500, it is a sign that step 3 is not followed correctly in lower grits About STADEA STADEA offers industrial diamond tools, power tools, and wide range of tools accessories. STADEA wet dry polishing pads, diamond hand polishing pads, diamond hole saw core drill bits, cup wheels, diamond profile wheels, router bits, tuck point blades, diamond saw blades etc are durable, aggressive and used in many natural stone fabrication shops, artificial stone manufacturing shops worldwide. STADEA is registered trademark of ePortal LLC, Santa Clara CA
    Brand: STADEA, Model: DHPW00STDA508H5P

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