Dasco Pro G337 Flat Utility Chisel with TargetGuard, 1-1/4-Inch

Dasco Pro
Out Of Stock


  • 12-Inch long
  • Made of high carbon steel that has been heat treated
  • The TargetGuard offers a 3-3/4-Inch circle of protection against glancing blows and missed hits
  • Made of a special blend of durable molded plastic that is permanently force-fit around the shaft of select striking tools
  • Designed and manufactured in the USA

  • Dasco Pro Mason Chisels are ideal for cutting or shaping brick, cement block, cinder block, or trimming excess mortar. The target head has been designed to help protect hands from missed hits and to reduce mushrooming from repeated blows. Our TargetGuard is made of a special blend of durable molded plastic that is permanently force-fit around the shaft of select striking tools and is a Dasco Pro exclusive. It features a full 360-Degree handhold for a firm, comfortable grip. Dasco Pro, Inc. offers a broad range of forged hand tools used for carpentry, masonry, and demolition. Our 89 year legacy brand incorporates time tested design, superior materials, and distinguishing technology. Construction professionals, home improvement enthusiasts and hobbyists alike ask for Dasco Pro striking tools because quality tools equal quality work.
    Brand: Dasco Pro, Model: G337, Size: 1-1/4"

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