CutBuddie Universal Dust Shroud for Grinders (Diamond Blade), 5"

Dustless Technologies
Out Of Stock


  • Captures up to 99% of airborne dust
  • Fits most 4 and 5 inch hand grinders.Does not fit polishers.
  • Fast and Easy installation with universal bracket band clamp combination
  • Adjust cutting depth from .25 to 1.2 inches
  • Clear polycarbonate for improved visibility and durability
  • This is an O.E.M. part

  • The CutBuddie is the pro contractor's #1 choice for dust control when using a hand grinder for decorative concrete cutting, tuck pointing, or crack chasing. This shroud attaches to hand grinders for use with diamond blades. Once attached to the grinder, a vacuum is attached to the back, sucking up the dust from the cutting to provide a dust free work environment. The depth gauge adjusts from 1/4" to 1 1/2" for custom depth. This product is universal for hand grinders specifically used for crack chasing, tuck pointing, and decorative concrete cutting. It WILL NOT fit polishers. Please refer to the video above for installation instructions. This kit includes an 18 inch hose (used to adapt to the vacuum hose), arbor extender, 3 spacing washers, and releasable tie to attach the vacuum hose to the grinder for keeping the hose out of the way. Complies with EPA regulations for point-of-origin dust containment when used with a Dustless Technologies D1606 HEPA Vacuum.
    Brand: Dustless Technologies, Model: D1730, Color: Clear, Size: 5-Inch

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