CTEK (56-959) MUS 4.3 TEST&CHARGE 12 Volt Fully Automatic Charger and Tester

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  • Fully automatic 8 step patented program tests battery condition and revives, charges and maintains to ensure maximum battery life and performance
  • Three simple to perform test programs to establish condition and performance of battery and vehicle charging system
  • Very simple plug and play operation, just select the program along with mode and let the charger do the rest
  • Unique patented system to recover, charge and maintain all lead-acid battery types to maximize performance and extend battery life
  • Safe for vehicle electrical systemsthrough exceptionally clean voltage and current delivery with no surges, spikes or sparks

  • The MUS 4.3 TEST&CHARGE combines an advanced micro-processor controlled battery charger with an integrated battery and alternator test function to provide the ultimate in battery testing, charging and maintenance. While in CHARGING mode, the unit provides excellent performance on batteries from 1.2Ah up to 110Ah. It solves a broad range of battery problems and features which include a patented automatic de-sulphation program. The charger has a special reconditioning function that will revive and restore deeply discharged and stratified batteries.

    The patented Float/Pulse maintenance makes the charger ideal for long-term maintenance. The RECOND and SNOWFLAKE modes operate individually or together in both 0.8A and 4.3A programs providing great flexibility for the user. The TESTING mode has three easy to use programs to test battery voltage, start power and alternator performance to provide a complete picture of battery and vehicle charging system health. The MUS 4.3 TEST&CHARGE is easy and safe to use, protects vehicle electronics, spark-free, reverse polarity protected and short circuit proof.

    The 4.3 TEST&CHARGE has a 5 year Limited warranty

    Brand: CTEK, Model: 56-959, Size: 56-959

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