Columbia River Knife and Tool 5311 CRKT Pilar Folding Knife, Silver

Columbia River Knife & Tool
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  • Thumb Slot Blade Deployment
  • Satin Blade Finish
  • Bead Blast Handle Finish
  • Design by Jesper Voxnaes in Loegstrup, Denmark

  • Where minimal design meets maximum utility. The pillar is a super compact everyday carry folder with distinctive Minimalist design and an Epic Tale Behind its name. It's low profile and understated when tucked away, and carefully designed to punch above its weight when in use. Jesper Voxnaes designed the pillar in his logstrup, Denmark shop, and named it after Ernest Heming-way's beloved sailboat—the 38-foot long vessel that he used for Renegade surveillance of German U-boats during WWII in Caribbean waters. The world-famous author was also a WWI combat Vet, big-game Hunter, sailor, and Fisherman, and certainly would have selected an everyday knife companion like the pillar for his daily endeavors. The 2.4” Flat grind blade features a satin finish and the fine, but strong tip is useful for more detailed tasks. It's deployed from its stainless steel handle with a thumb slot opening mechanism and is secured with a frame Lock for your safety. The modern Hemingway is the ultimate Renaissance Man, and the pillar is the knife that will stand up to the challenge.
    Brand: Columbia River Knife & Tool, Model: 5311, Color: Silver, Size: One Size

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