Collins Tool Miter Spring Clamp Pliers

Collins Tool Company
Out Of Stock


  • Collins Miter Spring Clamp Pliers (no clamps included)
  • Easily apply and remove Collins miter clamps; opens to almost two inches
  • Easy and smooth operation
  • Heavy duty metal construction with coated plastic handles
  • Sold Separately: 4 pack and 12 pack of miter clamps

  • Whether you are applying moldings and trim or whipping up a run of picture frames one of the biggest hassles in gluing up mitered corners is keeping them from opening up.Spring clamps are the quickest and easiest way to do it and the Collins Spring Clamp System is one of the most economical we've ever come across.The clamps spread up to approximately 2, so they will cover most trim sizes and any compound miter. The clamps can be applied and removed by hand, but the Pliers make the job much easier.They will really save your hands, plus the Pliers place clamps exactly where you want them, and help keep you from scratching stock when you remove them.No Collins Tool Miter Spring Clamps included with Pliers. Collins Tool Miter Spring Clamps sold separately.
    Brand: Collins Tool Company

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