CMT 840.350.11 Roman Ogee Bit, 1/4-Inch Shank, 1/4-Inch Radius, Carbide-Tipped

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  • 1-1/2-Inch Diameter, 11/16-Inch Cutting Length
  • Appropriate for many classical projects Creates a wavy profile with a bead on the top
  • Non-Stick Orange Shield Coating, Anti-Kickback Design, Equipped with Bearing
  • 2 SinterHip Hi-Density Industrial Chrome Carbide cutting edges for long-lasting performance
  • CMT bits were rated the best overall in comparison to other brand (Test by Wood Magazine)

  • This popular CMT roman bit creates a wavy profile with a bead on the top, which will allow you to give your furniture a touch of class and leave your guests amazed. Appropriate for many classical projects. Equipped with a bearing for easy template work, this bit features super-strength superior steel body, Non-Stick Orange Shield Coating and cutting edges made of SinterHip Hi-Density Industrial Chrome Carbide for a long-lasting performance. After a test performed by Wood Magazine, CMT orange bits have been rated the first overall router bits compared to other brands.
    Brand: CMT, Model: 840.350.11

    Custom Tab 01

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