Channellock PC-2Pro's Choice Plier Kit with Bonus Tool Tray for convenient storage, 4-Piece 9-1/2 Inch Tongue and Groove, 8-Inch Heavy Duty Slip Joint, 8-Inch Long Nose, and 7-Inch High Leverage Diagonal Cutter
Set Includes: 9.5" Tongue & Groove, 7" HL Diag Cutting plier and 8" HD Slip Joint
Laser heat-treated teeth and cutting edges grip better and last longer
High-carbon C1080 steel for superior performance on the job and electronic coating for ultimate rust prevention
CHANNELLOCK BLUE grips for comfort
Made in the USA
The CHANNELLOCK PC-2 Pro's Choice 4pc Plier set come with a 9.5" Tongue & Groove, 7" HL Diag Cutting plier, 8" Long Nose, and 8" HD Slip Joint all packaged with a bonus tool tray for convenient storage. Model 420 9.5" Tongue and Groove plier is built to last with a PermaLock fastener to eliminate nut and bolt failure, patented reinforcing edge to minimize stress breakage and right angle, laser heat-treated teeth to provide a better, longer lasting grip. Model 337 7" HL Diag Cutting Plier uses precision knife and anvil cutters to ensure proper cutting edge alignment, resulting in a clean cut every time. Model 317 is engineered to operate in tight spaces. A crosshatched teeth pattern provides reliable grip in either direction, while a narrow nose profile provides extra precision. Model 548 8" Heavy Duty Slip Joint plier is easy to use and comes with legendary strength and reliability. Crosshatch pattern on jaws grips work tightly and the PermaLock fastener eliminates nut and bolt failure. Brand: Channellock, Model: PC-2
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