Bora 542007 Rip Guide for Bora Saw Plate 542006. The Circular Saw Guide Rail that Produces Straight Cuts up to 24”

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  • Use with Bora WTX Saw Plate ,Bora part # 542006 toMake Precise, Straight Cuts up to 24"
  • The Rip Guide's Two-Part Design Allows You to Use Two Hands to Keep Your Circular Saw Straight and True
  • Comfortable (and Adjustable) Rip Handle Ensures a Solid Grip
  • Extruded Aluminum Rail Attaches Securely for Sawing Confidence
  • Eliminate Guesswork and Wasted Material - You'll Make Perfect Cuts Every Time

  • Making precise, straight cuts with your circular saw just got a lot easier. This Bora Circular Saw Rip Guide / Rail attaches to the Bora WTX Saw Plate, and keeps your circular saw straight and level for the entire cut. Expandable to 24", this is a must-have accessory for woodworkers, contractors, cabinetmakers, DIY enthusiasts, or anyone else who needs straight cuts in boards and sheets. Use it for making furniture, bookcases, tabletops, storage boxes, and much more. This is a two part tool - the extruded aluminum rail attaches to the saw plate and the rip handle, and you use both hands to guide your circular saw straight and true. This means no more wasted material because your saw drifted 1/8 of an inch halfway through your cut - with the Bora Rip Guide holding things steady, your cuts will be accurate every single time. It's also super easy (and comfortable) to use, and comes with a lifetime warranty.
    Brand: Bora, Model: 542007

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