Bondhus - Bit Set - ProHold, Ball End, 2in. (3-10mm), 8 Pc, 31487

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  • Bits fit any standard six point socket sold separately
  • Ball End inserts into a screw at a 25degree angle
  • Ball End saves time by quickly funneling tool into screw
  • Superior Ball End strength and working angle

  • Set 8 ProHold Ball Bits 2" (3-10mm) Bits Only in Clamshell - 31487 ProHold Socket Ball Bit Set of 8. Length: 2". Set includes sizes: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ; 10mm With ProHold Button Technology. Protanium High Torque Steel and ProGuard corrosion resistant finish. Bondhus ProHold socket bits are designed to be strong and save time and money. Our unique holding buttons"snap" the bit securely into any six point socket, allowing the tool user to buy just the bit, rather than an expensive socket and bit assembly. Bondhus ProHold socket bits do not require use of roll pins or set screws to hold the bit in the socket. Bondhus exclusive manufacturing processes ensure the highest level of machining consistency as each ProHold socket bit is machined to incredibly tight tolerances. All Bondhus ProHold socket bits are manufactured from Bondhus exclusive Protanium Steel, which is up to 20-percent stronger than competitor tools, and finished with it's proprietary ProGuard corrosion resistant finish. ProHold socket bits are protected by US and foreign patents, ensuring ProHold socket bits are only available from Bondhus.
    Brand: Bondhus

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