Bessey K-Body REVO Fixed Jaw Parallel Clamp, 50"

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  • 50" fixed jaw parallel clamp
  • Large, flat parallel clamping surface
  • Internal frame ensures 90-degree angles even at maximum pressures
  • Replaceable protection caps for delicate surfaces
  • Easily converts to spreader without tools

  • For high pressure clamping, 90 degree clamping, or powerful spreading, the new K Body REVO is an ideal choice. Its large, parallel jaws are uniquely designed to distribute even pressure across the entire surface of your work to stop bowing, turning, and lifting. The K Body's updated design includes three removable jaw protection caps to help prevent wear. They are glue-repellent, easily replaceable, and resist paint and grease solvents. A quick-release feature allows the movable jaw to slide up and down the rail by simply angling the comfortable Power-Grip handle. Plus, each clamp includes two slip-on workpiece supports that attach to the rail, providing a stable base and preventing direct contact between the clamp and the actual workpiece. Compatible with K-P clamp blocks and the K-Body Clamp Extender.
    Brand: Bessey, Model: KR3.550, Color: Black and red

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