Bessey CDS24-12WP 12-Inch Throat x 24-Inch Opening Heavy Duty Tradesmen Bar Clamp

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  • Reliable clamping workhorse for woodworkers
  • Patented profiled rail, I beam design that minimizes flexing or bending
  • Non-slip locking deviceADs- long ergonomic handle
  • Protective non-marring pads
  • Zinc-finished drawn rail to prevent black marks from appearing on wood

  • Bessel CDS 24-12WP 12-Inch Deep Reach Malleable Cast Bar Clamp Part # CDS 24-12WP Deep reach CDS with flat rail clamp offers the additional reach you need. It offers a throat depth of up to 20-Inch when you need that extra deep reach. Maximum safety is available with the integrated anti-slip system. A set screw that is molded into the sliding arm interlocks with the serration on the rail to prevent the clamp from slipping. Corrugated malleable cast iron fixed jaw and sliding arm generate powerful, rigid clamping. The high quality profiled rail from Bessey-Feets own German steel plant has been optimized for clamps. The profile acts as a reliable reinforcement against torsional forces, while the serration on six faces additional prevents the clamp from slipping. The smooth running spindle with Acme thread allows for more clamping with less effort. Comes with flat rail profile, standard pad and plastic cap. Bessel CDS 24-12WP Features: Throat Depth (Inches) 12-Inch Clamping Capacity (Inches) 24-Inch Clamping Force (Pounds) 1550-Pound..
    Brand: Bessey, Model: CDS24-12WP

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