Bahco LAP-KNIFE Laplander Folding Saw and Multi-Purpose Knife Set

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  • 2 piece set includes Bahco 396-LAP general purpose folding saw and 2444 multi-purpose knife with holster
  • 8" saw blade length with 7 teeth per inch
  • Folding saw includes safety lock, locked when open or folded
  • Nominal 9" total knife length including blade and handle
  • Two component plastic handle for secure grip

  • The Bahco Laplander general purpose folding saw is ideal for cutting both green and dry wood, plastic, bone etc. Specially designed for wild-life enthusiasts, hunters and campers, the 7TPI blade features XT toothing and a specially coated blade for rust protection and low friction. Its two-component plastic handle with leather strap ensures a perfect grip, while the safety lock maintains blade stability in both the open and closed positions. The Bahco carpenter's multi-purpose knife with holster features a high quality polished stainless steel blade and bi-component handle. Ideal for fishermen, hunters and for working in the garden, the knife includes a plastic case with belt clip.
    Brand: Bahco, Model: LAP-KNIFE, Size: Saw Knife

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