Bahco 665 Premium Ergonomic Carbide Scraper, 2-1/2"

SKU: EZFB000288LP6
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  • Maximum comfort with minimum effort due to the ergonomic design
  • Comfortable 2 component handle giving an excellent grip
  • Carbide blades for easy removal paint, glue, varnish and rust off various surfaces
  • Comes with large plastic knob for two-handed operation for heavy duty use.
  • Supplied with a 451, 65 mm double edged straight blade
  • Other suitable blade 442

  • The BAHCO 665 ergo carbide blade paint scraper features a two component handle that provides better grip and comfort during use. The scrapers are for use on all kinds of surfaces for removal of paint, glue, varnish, rust gaskets, chalk, grout and mortar. The heavy duty scraper head is designed for wide material removal when extra strength is required. This model scraper comes with a big plastic knob for two-handed operation for heavy-duty use. It is 12 inches in length and the blades stay sharp up to 50 times longer than conventional steel blades.
    Brand: Bahco, Model: 665XXX, Color: N/A, Size: 2.5 Inch

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