Amp-size DIY Wooden Box Enclosure Kit - 6" x 7" x 3.25" - Easy to Assemble!

C. B. Gitty
Out Of Stock


  • Easy-to assemble plywood box kit - tab-in-slot style requires no clamping!
  • Great for cigar box amplifiersand other instrument & craft projects
  • Only takes 15-20 minutes to assemble (plus glue drying time)
  • Kit is manufactured in the USA with plywood from US and Canadian sources
  • All you need to put it together is some good glue and a couple of large books to use as weights

  • This DIY box kit is easy to assemble, and perfectly sized for homemade amplifiers, effects boxes and other electronics projects requiring a sturdy enclosure. They can also used for craft purposes, and even for building homemade ukuleles! This is a simple kit for easily constructing a plywood box sized 6.125" x 7.375" x 3.25".We designed this box kit with a "tab in slot" style that virtually eliminates problems from warping and ensures every box goes together nice and square. The top and bottom are 1/8" Arctic Birch ply, and the sides are 1/4" natural birch ply. These boxes go together easily with just a bit of wood glue... you don't even need clamps or other tools (a heavy book or two will do)! This kit includes the 6 pieces (top, bottom and 4 sides) and a 2-page assembly guide with photos. This kit is Made in the USA from a combination of U. S.-made and Canadian-made plywood, hand-selected for quality. Please note: this is a laser-cut product. One side of the cut panels will have some darkening/staining left over from the cutting process. These spots can be sanded off if desired, or simply kept on the inside of the box, so they are not visible. Some sanding is recommended to smooth over edges. Glue is not supplied with this kit, nor is sandpaper. This style of box is not designed to be hinged/openable, due to the tab-in-slot construction. The top is intended to be glued in place during construction of a musical instrument or other project. Screwing the parts together should not be necessary, and no pre-cut/drilled holes are included in the pieces. The pieces may have some slight warp to them, but once the box is assembled and glued together, the tab-in-slot construction style should ensure that there is no significant warpage to any key parts. Some additional interior bracing may be necessary to utilize this box as the body of a stringed instrument.
    Brand: C. B. Gitty

    Custom Tab 01

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