ActiveToolAirman Cordless Multi-Purpose Air Pump

ActiveTool USA Inc
Out Of Stock


  • Simple one handed, push button operation
  • Will inflate anything from balls to bicycle tires
  • 9.6-Volt rechargeable nicad battery
  • Includes AC power cord and charger and 12-Volt DC cord

  • This is the world's only hand held, portable, and battery operated air pump. This patented tool operates with only one finger, yet gives you the pumping power to inflate anything from an inflatable air mattress to an automobile tire in minutes. It comes with adapters that will easily attach to inflate balls, bicycle tires, balloons, inflatable toys and much more. Airman inflates up to 120psi with its rechargeable 9.6 volt nicad battery. AC charger included.
    Brand: ActiveTool USA Inc, Model: 22006XXX, Color: Black

    Custom Tab 01

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