402A, 16-Gauge Manual Hardwood Flooring Nailer

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  • Uses 2 in., and 1-1/2 in. T Headed 16 Ga nails
  • Binds5/8 in., 3/4 in. and 33/32 in. domestic solid wood flooring
  • Accessory shoes, sold separately, allow you to face nail and nail 3/8 in. - 9/16 in. solid wood, 5/8 in. bamboo and 18mm flooring
  • Comes with an extension handle, mallet, angled shoe for 5/8 in. to 3/32 in. tongue and groove flooring, wrenches and a rugged carrying case
  • Multi-hit minimizes fatigue while providing greater impact

  • Nothing attacks a hardwood flooring job like the Porta-Nails 402A, 16-Gauge Manual Hardwood Flooring Nailer. The first of its kind offering Porta-Nails original ratchet assembly, the nailer ensures that the ram does not return until the nail is properly seated. One or two strikes of the head is all it takes for preferred seating every time. Bind nails 5/8 in., 3/4 in. and 33/32 in. domestic solid wood flooring. Accessory shoes, sold separately, allow you to face nail and nail 3/8 in. - 9/16 in. solid wood, 5/8 in. bamboo and 18mm flooring. The patented anti-split nail cuts through wood without splitting your floor and three lengths of nails will insure you have the right fastener for the job. Nailer uses 2 in., and 1-1/2 in. T Headed 16 Gauge cleats. Flooring Nails and are also available in stainless steel for exterior use, when using over ACQ plywood or installing ACQ decking over ACQ joist. The nailer comes with an extension handle, mallet, angled shoe for 5/8 in. to 3/32 in. tongue and groove flooring, wrenches and a rugged carrying case.
    Brand: Porta-Nails, Model: 402, Size: Nailer

    Custom Tab 01

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