3/4'' Robert Sorby #824H Round/Side Cut Scraper

Robert Sorby
Out Of Stock


  • Designed for blending the parallel side wall and the curved bottom of vessels and boxes together
  • Made from hardened and tempered M2 high speed steel that that will keep a sharpened edge about six times longer than carbon steel and will resist "blued" softening from overheating during grinding or heavy use
  • Comes with hard White Ash handle and solid brass ferrule
  • Handle is 12 inches long with tool being 6 1/2 inches in length
  • Overall length is 18 1/2 inches

  • Designed for blending the parallel side wall and the curved bottom of vessels and boxes together. Excellent for undercutting the rims of small bowls. Size - 3/4" - 19mm. Overall Length - 18-1/2". Handle Length - 10".
    Brand: Robert Sorby, Model: 824H

    Custom Tab 01

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