OXO Tot 2-in-1 Go Potty for Travel - Navy

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Brand OXO
Model 63124400
Color Navy

  • Opens quickly and easily for on-the-go potty emergencies
  • Legs fold in for compact storage in cars, strollers or diaper bags
  • Legs lock securely for use as a stand-alone potty or on public restroom toilets
  • Soft, flexible flaps hold disposable bags securely in place
  • Product dimensions: 11 x 11 x 2.5"; Packaged weight: 3.2 lbs

  • Always be prepared for on-the-go potty emergencies with the OXO Tot 2-in-1 go potty. The 2-in-1 go potty opens quickly and easily so it can be ready in snap, whether you need a standalone potty to use with disposable bags, or a potty seat to use in a public restroom. When using the 2-in-1 go potty as a stand-alone potty, the legs lock securely in place at the ideal height for growing tots, and the soft, flexible flaps hold the disposable bags securely in place. Three disposable bags with absorbent pads are included, and refills are available, but the Potty was designed to accommodate standard plastic bags in a pinch. For use as a potty seat on toilets in public restrooms, the legs of the 2-in-1 go potty fold all the way out and non-slip grips keep the Potty stable on round or elongated toilets. The small seat is sized perfectly for little bottoms and the generous shield prevents splatter. The smooth surfaces of the potty are easy to clean, and the legs fold in to fit the Potty in the included Travel Bag for compact storage in cars, strollers or diaper bags.

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