Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants Nighttime - Girls - 2T-3T - 50 ct

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  • Fits girls 2T-3T (up to 34 lbs).
  • Pull-Ups Night Time Training Pants for Girls feature an underwear-like waistband that helps your toddler learn how to pull them on and off like regular underwear.
  • Pull-Ups Training Pants feature easy-open sides for quick potty checks, and unique designs that fade when wet. Pull-Ups potty training pants for girls provide zoned protection where they need it most for maximum absorbency.
  • Glow in the dark designs. To Use: Expose the training pant design to a bright light for at least 30-60 seconds. Turn off the lights and watch it glow!
  • Use Pull-Ups Big Kid Flushable Wipes to encourage bathroom independence and Pull-Ups Learning Designs Training Pants to help her learn.

  • 2T - 3T Pull-Ups Night Time Training Pants for Girls offer extra absorbency for overnight protection. Night Time Pull-Ups potty training pants have stretchy sides that allow toddlers to pull them on and off, unique designs that teach front and back and easy-open sides that making checking for potty breaks simple. Help Your Big Kid put on a fun glow show! Pull-Ups Night Time have glow in the dark designs featuring your favorite Disney characters. Let Pull-Ups make night time potty training fun and easy!
    Brand: HUGGIES, Model: 43305, Color: Multicolor, Size: 2T-3T

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