Disney Minnie Mouse "Bowtique" Step Stool, Pink

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  • DURABLE CONSTRUCTION: Constructed of thick, sturdy plastic that can hold up to 200 lbs, unlike other thin material step stools that crack easily.
  • CONTOURED SHAPE: Nests perfectly to your toilet during potty training
  • NON-SLIP SURFACE AND FEET: Stiff gripping rubber on both the top and bottom, allow your child to stay planted on top while the stool stays firmly on the ground.
  • LIGHTWEIGHT AND NO HASSLE: Weighing only 1 lbs, this 1-Step Stool is a fantastic lightweight solution allowing easy transport for adults & little hands alike!
  • FUN CHARACTERS: Step right up with Boutique Minnie Mouse and take your best pal along with you around the house for exploring

  • Whether you're looking for a boost during potty training, teeth brushing or sneaking into the cupboards, the Minnie Mouse 1-Step Stool provides the right amount of lift for your child. It employs a stiff, gripping rubber on both the top and bottom, allowing your child to stay planted firmly on top while the stool stays secure to the ground. Weighing only 1 lbs and designed with younger hands in mind, this 1-Step Stool is a fantastic lightweight solution that can be carried around to explore all the tall corners of your home.
    Brand: Disney, Model: 56720, Color: Disney - Minnie Mouse Bowtique, Size: NO SIZE

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