Kaito KA500 5-way Powered Emergency AM/FM/SW NOAA Weather Alert Radio with Solar,Dynamo Crank,Flashlight and Reading Lamp, Color Black

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  • A perfect radio for emergencies and disasters, it comes with all the features that you need in any emergency situation. It comes with a High quality AC type brushless generator.
  • The solar panel powers the radio by itself and charges the built-in batteries as well.
  • To maximize the sunlight's rays, the solar panel is designed to tilt with the suns position to receive the energy during the day time.

  • The newly released Kaito Voyager KA500 is a sister product of Kaito's widely praised emergency radios KA007, KA008 and KA009. With its revolutionary design and versatile functions, it's an ideal companion for emergency preparedness purposes, outdoor activities as well as traveling. Specifically designed for emergency situations, the KA500 offers different methods to power itself. Those methods include AC/DC adapter (not included), three AA batteries (not included), the built-in rechargeable Ni-MH battery which can be recharged from the AC adapter, by hand, by solar panel or by a PC, and the dynamo hand crank which not only can recharge the built-in battery but provides power even when no battery is installed. At the heart of the KA500, there is an internal generator that recharges the internal replaceable Ni-MH battery pack and powers the radio, flashlight and reading lamp. Also, by plugging your cell phone into the jack on the back of the radio, you can use the crank to power your phone. Not only that, this radio also features a USB port, which you can use either to charge your radio with a PC or charge other electronic gadgets with the hand crank. You can use the KA500 to receive a wide range of broadcasting including AM, FM, shortwave and NOAA weather stations. The 7-weather channels are pre-programmed and numbered from 1-7, you can easily and conveniently tune into the stations by turning the switch, no more guess work involved. Compared with any other solar-powered emergency radios, the KA500 has its unique 180-degree adjustable solar panel, which can maximize sunlight exposure to power up the radio or charge the internal Ni-MH batteries. On the back side of the solar panel, there is a super-bright 5-LED reading lamp. Standard accessories include earphones, user manual.
    Brand: Kaito, Model: KA500BLK, Color: Black

    Custom Tab 01

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