Marshmallow Roasting Sticks- BBQ Extendable forks-32-Inch Telescopic Sticks with Wooden Handle for Outdoor Barbecue Grill and Campfire Pit 8Pack

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  • Highest quality FDA APPROVED power welded forks use Non-Toxic 18/8 304 STAINLESS STEEL to ensure no rusting & safe roasting.
  • 32 inches extendable sticks keep kids at a comfortable distance from the fire.
  • Wooden handles -Makes your Stainless Steel Telescoping Skewers tough, durable and easy to grip.
  • 8 different colors for kids- No more battles among the kids! Find your right color and have a good time with the exciting kids in campfire evening!
  • Perfect for make smores, hot dog, meat skewers, vegetable skewers, and other outdoor camping foods

  • 32" Telescoping Fork 8 Piece Set Fed up with those low quality roasting forks that break the first time you use them Want to safely unwind with your loved ones around a fire but your roasting forks are just not long enough to let you kick-back & relax Had enough of those clunky roasting forks that take up too much space and are a nightmare to clean Feature: Durable 304 Stainless Steel, non-stick, scratch-resistant ,easy to clean 32" extendable long sticks easy to handle and keep you safe from the heat. 8 different color handles makes it easy to identify for kids Solid wooden handle won't burn your hands like metal handle. Make perfect smores, sausages, wiener's, hotdogs and even vegetables and fruits Beautiful canvas travel pouch to allow for convenient and safe travels and storage Specification Color : 8 Colors Handle Length (including the cap) : 5.12 inch Extending Length : 32 inch Shortening Length : 11.8 inch Prong Distance(Adjustable) : 1.2 inch Tips: 1. When using these sticks, please extend it as far as possible from the fire for keeping a safe distance and for the purpose of protecting the cap on the handle from overheat melting . 2. The melting prongs can be adjustable in a slighter degrees, repeated or heavier adjustment may cause broken prongs. 3. Kids better use these under adult supervision, Handle with care.
    Brand: LT-Tech

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